
NGO Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation works since 1994 with environmental and global education, civic engagement and participation topics. Our focus is Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe region in the Estonian-Russian border communities, which is multicultural and underdeveloped region with several socio-economic, environmental problems.

We have more than 20 years’ experience working with project on both sides of the Estonian-Russian border, but we have been working also in Eastern Europe, Central Asian countries and EU level. We work together with schools, youth centres, municipalities. We have developed various environmental education materials, developed outdoors programs, campaigns, organised trainings for trainers etc.

MTÜ Mõõgavennad Estonia Lõuna-Eesti Mustla

City: Mustla

NGO Mõõgavennad was founded in Tarvastu Gymnasium at 2017 on the basis of role playing hobby group. Most members of the NGO are students, 11 – 19 years old. NGO works on voluntary basis, we organize trainings, workshops and LARPs at Tarvastu Gymnasium almost 12 years by now. We deal with historical re-enactment and fantasy roleplay, create LARPs, board and card games to make learning easier and more fun.




Stimmuli is a non-profit organisation envisioning to inspire future education and ignite positive change in society. To achieve its mission, the organisation designs and implements educational and empowerment projects that cultivate changemaking attitudes, inject entrepreneurial thinking and nudge behavioural shifts for more sustainable lifestyles. In more detail, Stimmuli’s work falls into the following categories: Learning design and assessment.

Stimmuli designs inclusive educational programmes and curriculum for equipping learners of all educational levels (from primary and
secondary to higher and adult level education) with 21st century competencies (social, civic and entrepreneurial), fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of values and attitudes. Stimmuli develops tailored made material and programmes and delivers training and capacity building activities to individuals and organisations with the aim to provide them with the required knowledge, skills and attitudes for strengthening a culture of continuous social innovation.


City: Thessaloniki GREECE

AeliaPath is a social cooperative organization of Holistic & Experiential Learning based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Οur vision is to create the conditions that will lead to a positive change in education. In this line, the design of AeliaPath’s programs supports the principles of the Incheon Declaration & Framework for Action towards inclusive and equitable quality education for All, according to Education 2030 by UNESCO. Τhrough our programs we encourage young people to:

  • Cultivate life-skills for the 21st century (critical thinking, flexibility, imagination, problem solving, creative disruptive innovative mind, resilience, meditation-mindfulness) Acquisite study skills (cognitive skills, learning to learn and metacognitive skills, learning to correctly apply what I have learnt)
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and cultivation of the capacity for mature love (self-control, empathy, self-knowledge, management of emotions)
  • Cultivate environmental education and world consciousness (volunteering, recycling, environmental sustainability, global citizenship, cooperation amongst students worldwide)


LajvVerkstaden Sverige

City: Västerås

LajvVerkstaden is a non-profit organisation with its base in Västerås Sweden, but with projects in all over Europe. LajvVerkstaden works with Live Action Role Play (larp) as a pedagogical method and artform, designing and implementing experiences that focus on participation. LajvVerkstaden organises a wide spectrum of larps, ranging from
larps for school with the intent to complement the classroom teachings, to larps about democracy and equal rights or larps that focus on the group enjoying themselves together.

Each year LajvVerkstaden engages thousands of children and youths, with every larping experience being unique. Larp is a collaborative storytelling in which everyone participating has the authority to shape and adjust the course of the story. LajvVerkstaden’s participants get the chance to take control of their own experience and a lot of the time they “save the world”. Activities where everyone participates, in contrast to being observers, teach people to take responsibility for themselves and others. LajvVerkstaden’s aim is to help people practice their imagination and creativity and to offer a space where they can dare to challenge themselves and grow.


Szkola Podstawowa im. Marii Wojcik w Krepcu

City: Melgiew

It is a primary school which provides general education. It is located in rural area close to Lublin ( East part of Poland). There are approximately 200 students, they are from 7-15. The students learn two foreign languages: English and Spanish. Students get involved in many local actions and competitions, they are very curious about the world and have open minds. They are very interested in projects related to subjects such as biology and chemistry. Students love conducting experiments then they analyze the results and draw conclusions. Art and music interests are also developed
at the school. Students also take part in choir classes. Students take part in sports competitions, especially in football, basketball and volleyball (these sports are the most popular among students in our school).

The parents of the students are very involved in the life of the school, they organize picnics at school. Students also initiate charity events, e.g. a cake fair, from which the collected money is used to help animals in a local shelter. Students organize the actions due to collect toys, books and school supplies for children staying in an orphanage located in Lublin. There are 32 teachers at the school who are very devoted to the students and the school. They are very creative and full of ideas. They can motivate students to work. Working with students, they not only implement the material from the textbook, but also use the project method, encourage students to look for answers and solutions. The atmosphere in the school is very friendly, students can talk to teachers about any topic and get support and help.